Title: Student Services Representative – State Testing
At PALCS Since: 2017
Education: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Gordon College
Master of Science in Globalization: Origins, Development Contemporary Impact, University of Dundee
Brief Biography:Ms. Terjanian chose to work in education because she enjoys learning and new adventures. “Teaching was a wonderful way to share the joy of discovering the world around me with others,” she says. “Since my first teaching position in a one room school house on an island in Maine, I have taught children in preschool, elementary, middle and high school. I enjoyed the relationships that developed with students and their families. In my current role, I’ll enjoy assisting with student testing and communicating that information to students, families, and teachers within the PALCS community.”
Outside of PALCS, Ms. Terjanian enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, painting, reading and gardening.