Welcome to Health Services!  

PALCS Health Services is dedicated to meeting the health and safety needs of our students and school community.  Our school nurses at PALCS maintain health records for all students as required by Pennsylvania School Code.  

PALCS’s health services and policies have been developed and maintained in accordance with the school laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and with the goal to support all children physically, mentally and emotionally throughout their education.  Please contact our department with any questions or concerns you may have.

Our department is composed of our team of School Nurses and an Administrative Assistant. Please feel free to contact your school nurse regarding health issues that might arise for your child during the school year. We recommend that if your child has special health concerns or requires special considerations as they relate to medical needs, please contact your child’s school nurse each year to ensure that all necessary information is shared and materials provided to support their educational needs.

Health Services Supervisor
Linda Kinneary RN, BSN, CSN
Phone 484-942-9742
Fax 610-692-2783

Elementary School Nurse/USP
Katrina MacNeil RN, BSN
610-701-3333 x1404 (USP)
Fax 610-692-2783

Middle School Nurse/CPFA
Jennifer Amanullah RN, BSN, CSN
610-701-3333 x1242 (CPFA)
Fax 610-692-2783

High School Nurse/New Enrollment
Tammy Hartzell RN, BSN, CSN
610-701-3333 x1338
Fax 610-692-2783

Health Services Administrative Assistant
Marjorie Mattes
610-701-3333 x1103

All student medical records are managed in an online Magnus Health.   There are many benefits to this system, including less paperwork for parents to complete each year and having up-to-date, accurate information that is readily accessible to our nurses. Please use the following link to access your  Magnus Login Page.  Only the primary parent has access to logging into Magnus. Enter your username and password. If you do not have your Magnus username or password, click on “having trouble logging in” for Magnus assistance. Contact your child’s school nurse if you need further assistance.

Timely submission of health information and other forms is vital so that preparations can be made prior to the first day of school. If requirements are not met the first week of school for all needed and updated immunizations,  your child risks exclusion from school. 

All Physicals and Dentals are to be uploaded into Magnus. All Physicals and Dentals dated in the year your student begins school are acceptable.

You will receive weekly reminders as long as there are outstanding items in your account. Please reserve 20 to 30 minutes per child, depending on particular circumstances. The good news is that you will not have to repeat this work next year –  going forward you will simply provide updates to the record as needed. 

If you continue having difficulty navigating the Magnus system, entering data online, or downloading the hardcopy cover sheets and forms, or if you have any other questions, please contact customer support at Magnus Health by phone at 877.461.6831 or by contacting MAGNUS health support

Please understand, our decision to move to Magnus as our health records management system was based on several factors. From an organizational standpoint, it is more efficient for the volume of student health records our school is required to handle. When compared to our previous electronic system (SNAP), there are more features available to parents that enable a more streamlined sharing of health records. Also, Magnus is specifically designed for schools, maintains industry standard security and is HIPPA compliant.

Here is a checklist of things that need to be entered into Magnus:

  • Conditional Questions and Health information
  • Updated Immunization Form ( REQUIRED for grades 7th and 12th or risk exclusion)
  • Physical Form (For grades Kindergarten, 6th and 11th) – Due by December 2024
  • Dental Form (For grades Kindergarten, 3rd and 7th) – Due by December 2024
  • Over-the-counter Medication Form (For USP or CPFA students only)
  • Prescription Medication Form- (If applicable and if  ONLY attending our in person schools USP/CPFA)
  • Asthma Action Plan Form- If applicable
  • Food Allergy Action Plan Form- If applicable
  • Diabetes Action Plan Form- If applicable
  • Seizure Action Plan Form- If applicable

At Registration, an Immunization record is required. Please see required school Vaccines or contact PALCS Nurses with questions.

An Immunization record is not a Physical report. A Physical is required to be turned into PALCS Nurses within the school year of grades Kindergarten, 6th and 11th.

Exemptions to the school laws for immunizations are for Medical Reasons, Religious Beliefs and Philosophical/Strong Moral or Ethical Conviction. A waiver must be signed and return to your school nurse Vaccine Exemption Form

Contact your health care provider or the PA Department of Health at 1-877-PA- Health ( 1-877-724-3258)  or find vaccine information at https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/Documents/School%20Health/SIR5.pdf

At Registration, an Immunization record is required. Please see required school Vaccines or contact PALCS Nurses with questions.

An Immunization record is not a Physical report. A Physical is required to be turned into PALCS Nurses within the school year of grades Kindergarten, 6th and 11th.

Exemptions to the school laws for immunizations are for Medical Reasons, Religious Beliefs and Philosophical/Strong Moral or Ethical Conviction. A waiver must be signed and return to your school nurse Vaccine Exemption Form

Contact your health care provider or the PA Department of Health at 1-877-PA-Health (1-877-724-3258) or find vaccine information at https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/Documents/School%20Health/SIR5.pdf

Pennsylvania School Health Law requires a physical examination upon entrance to school for Grades Kindergarten, 6th, and 11th. If your child is new to Pennsylvania schools, a current physical examination is required. Examinations done by a family physician within one year before the opening of the school term are acceptable by state law.  All medical forms your physician provides are acceptable. The Physical Form we provide on Magnus is there if needed for your physician to complete.

In order to keep your child’s health records current, please keep the school nurse informed of any medical changes, or immunization boosters that your child has received. 

Documentation of a current Physical is due for grades K, 6, and 11.  We accept all 2024 Physical reports which must be uploaded into Magnus by December 30, 2024.

If you have any questions or require assistance with finding a physician for your child or need to see the school physician, please contact your child’s school nurse for guidance

A dental exam form must be completed and signed by the family dentist for students upon entrance to school for Grades Kindergarten, 3rd, and 7th. It is  recommended that your family dentist perform the exam as they are most familiar with your child’s dental health.

Documentation of a current Dental is due for grades K, 3, and 7.  We accept all 2024 Dental reports which must be uploaded into Magnus by December 30, 2024.

If you do not have a dentist and or need to see our School Dentist, please contact your school Nurse for further information

  • Pennsylvania state law mandates specific health screenings for students. The school nurse at USP and CPFA will complete screenings for students that attend in person learning. All PALCS Cyber students that do not attend in person learning and are completely learning virtually have two options. An ANNUAL form located in the “All Health Forms/Grade Level letters”  can be completed by making a nurse appointment at your doctor office or by contacting our Health Service Supervisor to schedule a screening to be completed at our Westchester Enterprise (main building) location.
  • Grades that are required to upload an Annual Form into Magnus are: Grades 1-5, 7 and 9The following health screenings are mandated by Pennsylvania law:
    • Growth Screening: Height and weight are recorded annually for ALL Students
    • Vision Screening: Vision screening, both for near and far vision, is completed annually for Grades Kindergarten-5, 7, 9 and 11 (Color and depth are completed by 2nd grade)
    • Hearing Screening: Hearing screenings are completed in Grades Kindergarten and 1, 2, 3, 7, 11
    • Scoliosis Screening: Scoliosis screening, a mandated screening for spinal curvature, is completed in Grades 6 or 7.

It is recommended that no medications be given during school hours. Most medications can be given prior to or after school hours. The Pennsylvania Department of Health has issued new guidelines for medication administration in schools which the Department of Education and PA law support.

No Medication will be given in school without written consent from a parent/guardian and specific written orders from a health care provider. This refers to any medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, that is to be administered to a student while attending a PALCS sponsored function. All medication must be in its original container accompanied by a completed Field Trip Required Medication Form which includes the physician’s authorization and directions for administration and the parents’/guardians’ written permission for their child to receive the medication.

No medications will be sent from PALCS Health Services for field trips; it is the parent’s responsibility to provide any medication their child may need during a field trip accompanied by a completed Field Trip Required Medication Form. Please contact the school nurse with any questions regarding health requirements or the medication policy.