PALCS CEO District Article Response

Dr. James HanakPresented here is the PALCS CEO district article response to an October 29, 2012 piece published in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review. That article is linked here. “Districts hit Web to lure students, save money”Link Opens in a New Window,

Dr. Hanak is the founder and top leader of PALCS. He is also an advocate for charter and cyber education at the state and national level.

Learning Before Dollars
From: Pittsburgh Tribune Review,

Excerpt from James Hanak

“I understand the priority of districts to retain students and, in turn, state revenue, but hastily creating cyber programs disguised as school choice comes at a great cost to education.

Families that choose Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School (PALCS) for their cyber school recognize a need for high-quality education that meets each student’s individual needs. We do not take this charge lightly and have spent close to a decade refining our offering. We know that a one-size-fits-all cyber education proves ineffective.

The story puts forth claims that students who participate in cyber education return to traditional classrooms under grade level. I’ve seen no proof of this. Conversely, students often enroll in PALCS because traditional schools have failed them.

Our curriculum allows teachers to review the scope of previous grades and help students progress appropriately. Those methods are reflected in our achievement of Adequate Yearly Progress.”

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Read the full article at triblive.comLink Opens in a New Window



The PA Leadership Charter School’s purpose is to provide an academically challenging, knowledge-based curriculum, individually designed for each child’s needs. PALCS will combine the benefits of a classical basics oriented education with the latest Internet / computer technology and the best teaching and learning education practices. By studying the lives and works of the great leaders in history, PALCS students will develop multi-cultural perspectives and a global awareness. PALCS will prepare students to be informed, responsible citizens with a global mentality who will succeed through mentoring leadership.