2018-2019 First Marking Period Honor Roll

By |2019-03-20T13:59:47-04:00December 7th, 2018|Categories: School News, Latest News|Tags: |

PALCS is proud to announce that our 2018-2019 school year is off to a fantastic start! We would like to thank our incredible students, families and staff for their hard work. A total of 1,246 students, or 41% of our student body, have earned an honor roll certificate, recognizing them for their devoir and commitment. These students have earned exceptional grades in the first marking period.

Student Spotlight: Lionel McCulloch

By |2019-10-03T15:00:00-04:00October 19th, 2018|Categories: Blog Article, National Honor Society, Latest News, Student Spotlight|Tags: , , |

Meet Lionel Phoenix McCulloch, a PALCS senior who was named second place high school winner in the Philadelphia Young Playwright’s competition for 2018. Lionel does over six shows each year as an actor, director or designer. As an avid theater lover and practitioner, “this wasn’t Lionel’s first play, but it was the first one he’d entered in this competition”, says his mom, Aileen.

Back in the Spotlight: William McGregor

By |2019-04-12T09:00:43-04:00March 16th, 2018|Categories: Latest News, Student Spotlight|Tags: , |

William McGregor has had an incredible journey here at PALCS, which was recently covered in his Student Spotlight. However, this soon-to-graduate double bass player’s high school journey is not over just yet. William has been nominated as a U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts, an honor which only 60 students in the entire country receive.

Student Spotlight: Audrey Emata

By |2019-10-03T15:00:26-04:00March 5th, 2018|Categories: National Honor Society, Latest News, Student Spotlight, USP News|Tags: , , |

Presidential Scholar nominee, PALCS graduating junior, scholarship winner, flutist, sister, and proud daughter are just a few terms to describe Audrey Emata. At only sixteen years old, Audrey has already accomplished so much, including being named as a nominee for the U.S. Presidential Scholars in the Arts Award, an honor that only 60 students in the entire country receive. We recently had the opportunity to speak to Audrey’s mother, Christina, about her talented daughter’s future goals and her journey to becoming a Presidential Scholar.

Two PALCS Students Named Presidential Scholars Nominees

By |2019-04-12T09:22:37-04:00February 26th, 2018|Categories: School News, Latest News, Student Spotlight|Tags: , , |

PA Leadership is ecstatic to announce that two of our extremely hard-working and talented students have been chosen as the Pennsylvania nominees for the 2018 U.S. Presidential Scholars in the Arts. Congratulations to USP students Audrey Emata and William McGregor, among the winners of the annual YoungArts competition.

Honor Roll 2018, Marking Period 2

By |2019-04-12T14:55:24-04:00February 12th, 2018|Categories: School News, Latest News, Student Spotlight|Tags: , |

The second marking period of any school year tends to be one of the most challenging. As students and teachers really get into the routine of things, workloads increase and become more difficult. Which is why we are so incredibly proud to announce that over 40% of our students have earned an honor roll certificate in the second marking period.

Outstanding Accomplishments Among Individuals

By |2024-07-12T03:11:08-04:00January 5th, 2018|Categories: Latest News, Student Spotlight, USP News|Tags: , |

Here at PALCS, students and educators are encouraged to work together and be team players, while also forming individual opinions and standing up as leaders. PA Leadership’s University Scholars Program (USP) embraces the individual scholar and tailors instruction and opportunities to the individual need and goals of each scholar, which is a large part of why we have seen such success among our students and educators this past year!

PALCS USP Activity Group Accomplishments and Victories

By |2019-04-15T10:14:15-04:00December 18th, 2017|Categories: Latest News, Student Spotlight, USP News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The PALCS University Scholars Program offers students the opportunity to join a long list of student activity groups. Such groups include: the Mock Trial Team, Moot Court Team, Academic Team, Drama Activity Group, The Algorythms: USP’s A Capella Group, and many more. These activity groups not only kicked off 2017 with victories and triumphs, but are ending 2017 in the same way!

Almost Half of All PALCS Students Attain Honor Roll

By |2019-04-15T10:23:17-04:00December 8th, 2017|Categories: School News, Latest News, Student Spotlight|Tags: , |

PALCS is so proud to announce that our 2017-2018 school year is off to a wonderful start, thanks to our incredible students, families and staff. 1,304 students of a total of 2,745 at press time have earned honor roll certificates at PALCS recognizing their hard work and exceptional grades in the first marking period. The percentage works out to 48%, or nearly half of the entire student body!

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