6th Grade PALCS student Mio Imai placed third in the Junior Performance division (age 11-14) at the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) National Competitions for the violin. Mio is a part of the school’s University Scholars Program.

After winning the Pennsylvania competition, Mio went on to MTNA Eastern Division competition last month which had 8 states represented. Mio won the Eastern Division and now joins the MTNA National Competition on February 18th-19th.

Mio also excels in the classroom as she is the only 6th grader in the University Scholars Program that is currently taking Algebra II.

The Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) National Competitions are the most successful and prestigious student competitions in the country Each year, thousands of students compete for top prizes and national recognition. Mio is competing in MTNA’s Junior Performance Division.


Online School in PA

Mio’s talents can be seen below.