Start Your Day!
PALCS students start their school day by logging in to our school website and engaging with their coursework, Monday through Friday throughout the school year. Signing in and engaging in coursework every day is a requirement by law to capture your daily attendance and to avoid any truancy or unexcused absences. It is important to develop a daily routine of signing in to school, viewing emails, daily announcements and schedules to avoid missing any crucial updates. Of course, we all take holidays off! Click images to expand and learn more.
Jump Into Today's Lesson
Students can work on their courses in any order throughout the day. Some students start the day with their favorite subject, some choose to complete the harder subjects first. Each course generally has a lesson due every day. Within each lesson, students will find resources, instruction, interactive activities, and assignments. Every course follows the PA standards aligned system and meets or exceeds all Pennsylvania Core Standards.
Do a Virtual Lesson
Live virtual lessons are held one to three times per week, and students are required to participate in these lessons. Virtual lessons can last 30-45 minutes, depending on the course and grade level. This is a great time to connect with your teacher and classmates in an online classroom, complete coursework and to ask any questions.
VIDEO: Example School Day
Check out the video below to meet Julia, a Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School student, and hear first hand what an online school day with freedom and flexibility is like at PALCS!
Complete Your Assignments
Assignments are posted a week in advance of their due date and are presented in a variety of formats, including multiple choice, essays, worksheets, open class forum posts and even picture, audio and video uploads.
Students can work through the assignments at their own pace, although it is important to follow up on any work that needs to be completed, connect with teachers for support and submit everything by the due date given.
Check Progress…
Within PALCSchool and our learning platforms, there are custom organizational tools to help families see upcoming, completed and graded assignments. The gradebook is accessible to students and parents, progress can be checked at any time.
Students can attend scheduled office hours to have live one-on-one question-and-answer time with teacher. Homework help is also available to students who may need some additional support.
Succeed On Your Schedule!
Throughout the day, it is important for families to remain on a schedule, complete assignments and communicate with teachers. Many parents will incorporate breaks or “recess” into the schedule to allow time for parents to check school emails, time for their child to refocus and perhaps time to prepare for the next lesson or assignment. Every day is a new learning opportunity filled with excitement and creativity!

A Typical Day of Online School at PALCS
Although no two days are the same, students at PALCS often work through their days with structure. Explore the descriptions below to learn what it’s like to spend a day as a PALCS student, and see examples of our innovative online school platform, PALCSchool! Of course, if you have questions or would like to speak with one of our admissions representatives, contact us today. We look forward to helping you determine if PALCS is a fit for your family!