Project Description

Teaching: High School Social Studies

At PALCS Since: 2017

Education: Bachelor of Arts in History, Penn State University
Master of Arts in Secondary Education, New York University

Brief Biography: “Social studies is the study of how humans have tried to make our lives worth living, worked with each other to form fair and just communities, and tried to mediate or prevent conflicts,” explains Mr. Doogan. “I enjoy teaching about these things as a way of helping students decide the right and wrong ways to be a citizen or form a government. I also enjoy learning the new views on these important issues that this generation of students may bring to the world.”

Mr. Doogan says that he most enjoys traveling to new places, playing with his kids, listening to music in the car, arguing about sports with friends, working his way through his Netflix movie queue, reading long magazine articles, and eating good meals at restaurants with his wife.

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