Title: Instructional Coach – High School
At PALCS Since: 2019
Education: Bachelor of Science in Education, University of Delaware; Master in Educational Instruction, University of Delaware; Doctorate in Educational Leadership, University of Delaware
Brief Biography: Being an educator has been Dr. Hammond’s calling for as far back as she can remember. She began teaching in 2010 at Gunning Bedford Middle School in the Colonial School District, located in Delaware. She completed 9 years of teaching 7th and 8th grade Social Studies and 3 years of teaching undergraduate Education courses at the University of Delaware as an adjunct professor during my time in Delaware. Her dissertation research focused on creating professional development modules for teachers in her district and evaluating the effectiveness of her professional development, while working with teachers to create goals they saw fit to enhance their teaching. Subsequently, she discovered a new passion of working with teachers. Dr. Hammond is looking forward to using her experiences and knowledge base to work with teachers in a coaching role in the state she grew up in. Go Eagles!