Teaching: Elementary Coding and Technology K-5
At PALCS Since: 2014
Education: Bachelor of Science in Education, Drexel Univeristy
K-12 Technology Education Certification
Brief Biography: Before attending Drexel University, Ms. Suski studied biology at West Chester University while working as a veterinary technician. After becoming involved with her the education of her own children, she became interested in the challenge of teaching and learning in today’s digital age. “The opportunity to create learning experiences that enhances STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fulfills my passion for lifelong learning and creativity while preparing students for life in the 21st century,” says Ms. Suski. “Sparking the same passion in students, I believe is the greatest of achievements. While student teaching in the Springford Area School District, I found that incorporating my own love of gaming increased student’s interest and motivation to learn. To teach coding, I still use Minecraft, Scratch, and Codecombat, to name a few.”
During my senior year at Drexel, Ms. Suski was awarded the Senior Academic Achievement Award for Integrating Technology in the classroom through the use of Twitter to increase collaboration and integrate STEM. Teaching at PALCS enables her to continue to use gaming in the classroom and while running the PALCS Minecraft Club. “My continued focus remains to use the latest technologies to connect student interests, foster creativity and enhance learning. For after all, in the words of Steve Jobs, ‘creativity is just connecting things.'”
When Ms. Suski is not teaching or writing computer programs (her favorite programming language is Python), she’s busy raising her two children. She enjoys running in the woods with her dogs and reading science fiction. she also has 3 cats and still loves working with animals as a volunteer at the Schuylkill Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.