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#1 Best Online School in PA & Top 10 Nationwide

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PALCS is extremely proud and honored to announce that we have been named the #1 Best Online School in Pennsylvania on’s 2018 Best School Rankings list! We are also ranked #9 Best Online School in America!

According to Niche’s website, their 2018 rankings are “based on rigorous analysis of academic and student life data from the U.S. Department of Education along with test scores, college data, and ratings collected from millions of Niche users.” You can view a full list of the factors that they take into account when collecting their data on

Niche is a website that was started as College Prowler in 2002 by Carnegie Melon University students as a way to provide families, students and professionals with helpful information when facing big life decisions. Their site offers statistics and reviews on neighborhoods, cities and schools. One of their most recent additions is an in-depth ranking system.

We are so proud of our school and PALCS community for all of their hard work! From our dedicated teachers and staff to our ambitious students and their supportive families, we want to thank each and every one of you for playing your part in making PA Leadership Charter School the #1 best online school in Pennsylvania and the top 10 in the nation! #PALCSMakesItPossible

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