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Bullying Prevention Month

National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month logo

Here at PALCS, we create a safe environment both virtually and on-site where we have zero tolerance for bullying. With October being National Bullying Prevention Month, we wanted to take this opportunity to bring up this extremely important topic, continue the dialogue, and get our PALCS community involved.

This topic is especially important to our Guidance Department, who deal with bullying prevention and the effects of bullying on children every day. It is their mission and the mission of National Bullying Prevention Month to discredit the thought that bullying is just a rite of passage for students and we should look the other way. Instead, we want to raise awareness, on not only bullying prevention, but also signs of bullying and the long-term effects it can have on a person.

Our guidance department will be sponsoring various activities throughout the month of October to promote bullying prevention, including a virtual kindness wall, painting of #PALCSKindnessRocks, participation in “Unity Day,” and much more! Unity Day will be taking place this year on October 25, 2017, and all are encouraged to wear orange!

We also invite the PALCS community to share with us: does your student or family have your own story dealing with bullying or bullying prevention? Share it with us by emailing Share how you will celebrate and raise awareness about bullying prevention month by posting your photos of support to the PALCS Facebook page and using #PALCSUnite.

National Bullying Prevention Month was founded by the Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER), a parent training and information center which provides resources for all students, including those with disabilities. Beginning as one short week of activities and events in 2006, awareness was raised to a full month in 2010 and has become a “nationwide call to action around education communities to the roles in bullying prevention.” Joined by national organizations, schools including PALCS, parents, teachers, counselors, and students from around to country, PACER encourages everyone to get involved in this nationwide campaign and make a difference.

PACER provides plenty of resources for families interested in learning about bullying, bullying prevention, and ways to affect positive change. As a cyber school, we especially note their thorough informational page on cyberbullying. Take some time to read through these pages, think about ways bullying may impact you and your loved ones, and consider taking action in a way that works for you!

There are many ways to show your support of the month in addition to the activities PALCS will participate in, with suggestions on PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center website. Whether it is ordering the orange “Create a World Without Bulling” t-shirt to support bullying prevention, signing the digital “Together Against Bullying” pledge, spreading the word throughout your social media, hosting an event, or joining in wearing orange to show your support of making bullying end in all schools and communities.

Let’s join together and stand up against bullying as a community!

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