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Back-to-School Picnic Recap

Group of PALCS Students with sign to help stop bullying

Featured Photo, above: PALCS students at the Back-to-School Picnic East participating in bullying prevention activites

The 2017 Fall Back-to-School Picnics were a huge success, thanks to our PALCS community! We had wonderful turnouts at both our east and west picnics on Friday, October 6th. PALCS staff, students, and their families gathered from all around the state to join in an afternoon of community fun.

The picnic in the west had a wonderful turnout, with over 400 signed up to attend. PALCS students and families were invited to Zone 28, the family fun entertainment center formerly known as FunFest in Hamar, right down the street from the Western Regional Center. Greeted by PALCS teachers, they were given free reign of the entire center with unlimited bowling, spin zone bumper cars, laser tag, and the opportunity to play arcade games. Delicious pizza was provided to keep their energy up and spirits high!

Embedded Video: Fall Picnic West Recap. View on YouTube.

The picnic in the east also had an absolutely wonderful turnout! Held at the West Goshen Community Park in West Chester, over 600 students and their family members came together with PALCS faculty and staff for an afternoon of music, crafts, games and an assortment of delicious foods! They were even painting #PALCSKindessRocks in support of National Bullying Prevention Month!

Remember, with October being National Bullying Prevention Month, we want to encourage all to spread kindness throughout your individual communities and the PALCS community as well. Whether it is writing a message on the PALCS Kindness Wall, which enrolled students can find by visiting PALCSchool, painting and hiding #PALCSKindnessRocks, wearing orange on October 25th for Unity Day, or participating in random acts of kindness. However you choose to prevent bullying, keep in mind that one kind word can change someone’s entire day. You could be the difference in if someone smiles today or not! Make sure to continue posting your photos of kindness and your painted kindness rocks using the #PALCSUnite and #PALCSKindnessRocks – be the reason someone smiles today!

We want to offer our sincere thank you to all who came out to the Fall Picnics in support of their school and community, as well as all the hard work from PALCS staff and faculty for making these wonderful events a reality. Make sure to always check your PALCSchool calendar for upcoming events and field trips, like the trip to Soergel Orchards or the tabletop book faire next week in the west, as well as the trip to Longwood Gardens or Varner’s Tree Farm trip in the east. There are always ways to get involved here at PALCS!

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