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National Honor Society at PALCS

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Young PALCS scholars in high school and middle school have the opportunity to join our chapters of the National Honor Society (NHS) and the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). These societies are more than just the honor roll: NHS and NJHS are the nation’s premier organizations that recognize students in high school (NHS) and in middle school (NHJS). As a member in either of these societies, students are not only recognized for their accomplishments, but they are also challenged to get further involved in community service and school activities.

According to, the society serves to honor students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, character and citizenship. The society was started in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) under the leadership of Dr. Edward Rynearson, who was the principal of the Fifth Avenue High School in Pittsburgh, PA. By 1930, the organization grew to consist of more than 1,000 chapters. It is estimated that today, there are over one million students belong to the official honors society. Today, chapters of NHS and NJHS can be found in all 50 state as well as Puerto Rico and Canada.

NHS and NJHS are just two of the wonderful programs offered here at PALCS. From Minecraft Club to Student Government, we pride ourselves on creating a community where not only everyone feels safe, but also where everyone belongs! Speak to your guidance counselor today to see how to get more involved!

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