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PALCS Students Attend PMEA District 12 Orchestra Festival

palcs pmea district 12

PALCS at PMEA Festival

On January 14-16th, two students represented the online charter school PALCS at the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District 12 Orchestra Festival. This festival was hosted by Springfield High School, Delaware County. PALCS Senior Jack Rubien and Sophomore Hannah Ishizaki passed November 2015 auditions for attendance at this event. Jack is a cellist and Hannah is a violinist. They re-auditioned during the festival for the right to advance to the PMEA Region 6 Orchestra Festival.

Hannah Ishizaki was accepted to the Region Festival. This festival includes top high school performers from Philadelphia, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, and Bucks Counties. The Region Orchestra Festival will occur on February 25-27, 2016 and will be hosted by Council Rock North High School, Bucks County.

PALCS was one of only two charter schools with students participating in the festival and the only cyber charter school. Having PALCS at the PMEA Festival is great moment of the students and also their school. Jack and Hannah are both part of our USP Program. Hannah Ishizaki resides in Mt. Lebanon, PA and traveled to Springfield from the Pittsburgh area to participate in the festival. She will do so again for the Region Orchestra Festival. Jack is on pace to graduate in the Class of 2016 with a GPA of over 4.5.

About the PMEA

PMEA is  “is the Pennsylvania state-level affiliate of the National Association for Music Education. PMEA is a statewide non-profit organization of over 5,000 members[2] reaching thousands of students, dedicated to promoting the musical development of all Pennsylvanians, especially through music education” [source].

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