PALCS Visits the Carnegie Museums

julia and mrs owens study art at the carnegie museum

On Friday, February 16, 2018, over 200 members of the PALCS community gathered at the Carnegie Museum of Art & Natural History in Pittsburgh, PA. All students in grades K-12 were invited, along with their families and friends, joined by teachers and staff, for a free day of educational fun at the connected museums of Natural History and Art. The event ran from 10 am – 12 pm, though families were invited to stay the duration of the day.

Students and teachers were able to explore all the exhibits, from the Hillman Hall of Minerals and Gems, Bone Hunters’ Quarry, Dinosaurs in Their Time, Walton Hall of Ancient Egypt, Bird Hall, Hall of African Wildlife, and many more! The day included a stop at one of the newest exhibits, sponsored by PALCS, Discovery Basecamp! This new hands-on permanent exhibit encourages visitors to “slow down, look closely, and touch everything!”

Watch our dramatic video below, or view on YouTube!

There are four Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh: Natural History, Art, the Carnegie Science Center, and the Andy Warhol Museum. The Carnegie Museum of Natural History is among the top natural history museums in the country. The museum maintains, preserves, and interprets an extraordinary collection of artifacts, objects, and scientific specimens used to broaden understanding of evolution, conservation, and biodiversity.

PALCS would like to thank everyone who made the trip to the museum, with some families traveling over 2 hours to get there. We had such a wonderful turn-out as we joined together as a community. Not only were students able to connect with their teachers and meet up with their fellow classmates and friends, but new connections were also made among parents and families.

While students at PALCS participate in interactive online learning every day with the curriculum, teachers, and their classmates, PALCS also makes it a priority to hold exciting and educational monthly field trips and events for the community to meet each other and build their social networks. Regional activity coordinators work to organize events throughout PA so that students can make connections. Here at PA Leadership, we make socialization a priority. Enrolled families, be sure to join the PALCS Google+ Parent Network to connect with other families and ask questions, and check PALCSchool for all upcoming events and field trips!

Check out some photos from our event!

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