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A Successful 2018-2019 School Year

Successful School Year

We want take a moment to reflect on how wonderful school year 2018-2019 was for everyone.

First, congratulations to our Class of 2019! On Saturday June 15th 2019, over 300 students graduated and began their next chapter in life. Students from all over the state attended a beautiful commencement ceremony held in Lancaster, PA. The auditorium was filled with families and friends.

Seniors, we wish you the very best in whatever the futures holds for you. You did it! Congratulations. Make us proud.
Families of Seniors, PALCS teachers and staff, you did it! Another amazing group of students are off to new places and their journeys are just beginning.

During each school year there are obstacles, challenges and hardships, but that is all a part of what makes the ending so special. We want each of you to take a moment. Take a deep breath. Look in the mirror and reflect on everything you have accomplished during this school year. You were amazing.

Thank you to our hard working teachers and staff who strive to make a difference in every students life. PALCS teachers are so proud to see their students moving on, wiser, stronger, and confident that they can accomplish their dreams.
Thank you to our families and supporters of our students for your dedication to the cyber school model. Without you, non of this could happen.

Not many people realize that summer is also an exciting but busy time for non-academic staff at PALCS. We are preparing for the return of our teachers and students. New families and students are orientating. Materials are being shipped. Computers are being updated. Information sessions are taking place. The list goes on, but we didn’t want to forget those behind the scenes, who also work tremendously hard to make the start on a new school year a success! Thank you.

For information on enrollment please contact us or visit the enroll now page to begin your application.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday September 3rd 2019 for another amazing and successful school year. See you soon!

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