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Rachael McCullough – Traveling Women’s Museum

Rachael McCullough Traveling Museum

Rachael McCullough a recent PALCS graduate, is the founder of her very own traveling women’s museum. The Traveling Women’s History Museum exhibits original and reproduced items about women’s history, dating from 1770-1970. There have also been numerous special exhibits, such as the Girl Scout display or the Women’s Suffragette display.

When Rachael was in 8th grade, she took a course here at PALCS in American History. However, she recalls there being little to no mention of women in her textbooks.

Rachael was, and still is, highly involved with her Girl Scout. She decided to solve this lack of representation in a project to help her earn the Girl Scout Gold Award. The museum originated from a two-day event to achieve this high honor. “I have always loved women’s history, and I wanted to make women’s history free and accessible.”
Rachael began collecting items, or had items donated to her by friends and family. From there, her museum grew and was recognized by many. She now estimates having 200 items in her traveling museum. Rachael has been invited to speak and bring her museum to local schools, historical societies, and Girl Scout troops.

The fact that Rachael attended PALCS during this extensive project, created opportunity to bring The Traveling Women’s Museum to where it is today. “PALCS allowed me to do this museum in a way,” Rachael recalls. “I was able to some [school] work, then go present the museum, then go home and do more schoolwork. It wasn’t a rigid schedule, but I was able to make my hours and have more time to pursue my dreams and projects.”

PALCS allowed Rachael to have a more flexible schedule, and pursue better education opportunities outside of her classes. She equates having a richer school experience because of PALCS, saying that she was able to do so much more with her time because of PALCS. “I learned how to work in my life and school, so that they worked harmoniously. I was also able to do more volunteering hours with my time, and take my work with me.”

Rachael has been recognized by many, and received numerous awards for her efforts. She’s received an award from Delaware County Historical Society for preservation of women’s history, and has recently received the Young Heroes award from the National Liberty Museum.

When asked what advice she might have for families considering switching to a cyber-school, Rachael says, “While everyone learns differently, I highly recommend cyber school! It is flexible and easy for anyone to do.”

PALCS is honored to call Rachael McCullough an alum! Rachael was recently showcased in the Delco Daily times.
Well done Rachael!

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