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ESL Program - PALCS

Unlock Potential with English Language Development

At The Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School, PALCS, our English as a Second Language, ESL, Program is recognized as a dynamic journey of language mastery, cultural immersion, and academic excellence! We celebrate diversity and empower English Learners to unlock their full potential while igniting a passion for learning, fostering language proficiency, and preparing students for success in every aspect of their educational journey.

ESL for Discovery, Growth & Endless Possibilities

Welcome to the PALCS English Language Development, ELD/formerly ESL, Program—an enriching journey that celebrates diversity, fosters language proficiency, and empowers English Learners, or ELs, to thrive academically and socially. At PALCS, we recognize the unique needs of ELs and are committed to providing personalized support to help them achieve their full potential.

Our ELD/formerly ESL program is designed to not only develop English language skills but also to prepare students for success in all aspects of their educational journey. Keep reading to learn more about this exciting adventure of language acquisition, cultural exploration, and academic growth!

  • Identification
    We start by looking at students’ responses to the home language survey. If a student indicates that another language is spoken at home, we reach out to them to determine if testing is necessary. Our ELD teachers also collaborate with the student’s former district to gather placement and test records. If testing is needed, we schedule the WIDA Screener Online and WIDA Screener for Kindergarten to assess their English proficiency and determine the best ELD/formerly ESL class for them.
  • PALCS ELD/formerly ESL Program
    Our ELD/formerly ESL program is designed to help ELs develop English language skills to meet state and district standards. We also aim to prepare them to confidently participate in all their regular classes. Our instruction focuses on both academic and social language skills, creating a supportive environment where ELs can learn about the U.S. school system and culture.
  • Program
    Students are placed in courses based on their WIDA Screener/WIDA ACCESS level and needs. This may involve joining a pull-out ELD/formerly ESL course for English/Language Arts with an ELD teacher or receiving support in a mainstream English/Language Arts class at their grade level.
  • Exit
    Exiting the ELD/formerly ESL program is based on criteria set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Our goal is to help ELs thrive in their language learning journey and successfully transition to mainstream classes when they are ready!
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